Software Engineer

Category: Git

Move more than one directory into a new repository

I just realized that my previous post on how to move one directory from one repository to another really only works for one directory.

Fortunately, there is a very easy solution to that using a nice little tool called git_filter.

Basically follow the instructions of it’s README. Then, all I did was put the two directories into the filter file. It is important to note here that this file had to end with an empty line in my case, otherwise the last directory will be ignored.

You will get a new branch, which can be pushed to an empty repository:

git remote add origin_repoB <url of repo>
git push origin_repoB <localBranch>:master

It also works for one directory and is a lot faster compared to the other method.

Move directory from one repository to another, preserving history

I just moved one directory within a Git repository to a directory within another repository including its history. For example:



The goal is to move directoryToKeep into repositoryB with its history, i.e., all commits that affect directory1. If instead, you want to create a repository just for the contents of directoryToKeep, just skip the last step of the preparation of the source repository.

If you have files tracked by git-lfs, please note the update at the bottom first.

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